SUNRISE: SUstaiNable inteRventions and healthy behavIours for adolescent primary prevention of cancer with digital tools
A PROJECT FOR: European Union (Horizon Europe program)
The project aims to tackle the challenge of preventing cancer in Europe by focusing on behavioural change in adolescents – a critical period in which risk behaviours are initiated. To this end, the consortium will develop a digitally enhanced life-skills programme tailored to adolescents from diverse backgrounds.
The project combines established, evidence-based digital solutions for smoking prevention with innovative approaches such as peer social media campaigns, advertising literacy training, educational games, and social robot platforms.
​SUNRISE aims to build the necessary skills and competencies through actions to raise awareness and literacy, as well as health professional expertise on the use of digital programmes for primary cancer prevention.
SUNRISE project’s approach involves several key components to address the primary prevention of cancer through behaviour changes in adolescents:
The project evolves via a co-creation process with school as a living lab (SALL) methods and various data collection methods (e.g. focus groups, interviews, workshops, desk research, implementation and evaluation studies).
The aim is to design, develop, and implement tailor-made and highly engaging digital tools and novel approaches, including peer social media campaigns, advertising literacy training, educational games, developing an interactive app, and digital and social robot platforms.
The envisioned result
The project aims to enhance interventions by the development, implementation, and widespread adoption of a school-based cancer prevention programme and to scale these up in different geographical, socioeconomic, and cultural contexts.
The expected outputs are behavioural change in adolescents by means of tailored recommendations and support programmes including psycho-social care, reducing healthcare costs, and collaboration with regional, local, and national policymakers and authorities and implementing sustainable health promotion and prevention programmes.
As experts in social and behavioural sciences, PredictBy contributes to the following tasks:
Leading the Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication work package
Providing legal and ethical advice and identifying issues that may arise during the project.
Conduct a preliminary feasibility assessment for the cancer prevention programme.
Organising workshops on socio-technical scenarios of the utilisation and sustainability of the programme.
Leading the IPR management and exploitation planning, including organising IPR seminars.
Conducting Market assessment analysis and health technology assessment through interviews and focus groups.
Cost-effectiveness assessment.