MELIORA: Multimodal Engagement and sustainable Lifestyle Interventions Optimizing breast cancer Risk reduction supported by Artificial intelligence
A PROJECT FOR: European Union (Horizon Europe program)
The Challenge
Female breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women and the global incidence of the disease is estimated to reach as many as 3.2 million new cases annually by the year 2050. An estimated 30% of breast cancer cases are attributed to modifiable risk factors and thus may be preventable. By developing and implementing a novel intervention (MELIORA Virtual Coach Interventions (VCI)), the project aims to foster sustainable behavioural change towards reducing breast cancer risk.
This project is part of the EU Cancer Mission cluster of projects on “Prevention” (behavioural change).
The Approach
The MELIORA consortium conducts literature reviews, a comprehensive situation analysis of the implementation sites, workshops with relevant stakeholders, and an analysis of contextual factors to identify key barriers and facilitators.
The consortium will collaborate with local actors across different levels to conduct eight tailored lifestyle interventions and behavioural modification studies. The studies incorporate digital tools and an intelligent virtual coach, to promote sustainable behavioural changes among three target populations (healthy women at risk of developing breast cancer, breast cancer patients, and breast cancer survivors).
The goal of the interventions is to evaluate their effectiveness by assessing the effect of multiple individual and contextual factors on the uptake and sustainability of behavioural changes. Identifying bottlenecks and barriers, but also facilitators and best practices will help develop strategies to better reach disadvantaged and vulnerable groups, including those in rural areas. Regular monitoring will ensure adaptive measures are taken to maximize impact.
The studies occur in 4 countries (Greece, Sweden, Spain and Lithuania) and 2000 women will participate. Based on the study results, national and European stakeholders will be invited to workshops to explore the potential adoption of MELIORA Virtual Coach interventions in other regions or countries in Europe.
The envisioned result
All collected data throughout the project is synthesised to define evidence-based, tailored, co-created strategies for the successful implementation of the interventions in the countries. Training materials, user manuals, instructional videos and other resources will be produced, tailored to the diverse local settings and populations, and used in each implementation country. And, a robust communication and dissemination strategy will be established including an International Stakeholder and Policy Advisory Board, facilitating and ensuring synergies with relevant projects, clusters, and initiatives.
The project aims to deliver tailored health programmes and interventions that effectively change behaviours in high-risk individuals, cancer patients, and survivors, with a focus on nutrition, exercise, and alcohol use. It also envisions to influence policymakers to create sustainable and health-promoting environments.​
As experts in implementation strategies and cost-effectiveness assessments, PredictBy contributes to the following tasks:
Our role
Conducting a comprehensive situation analysis for contextual factors, including conducting co-creation workshops.
Leading the work package on the development of the tools for the process and impact evaluation of the MELIORA VCI
Development of tools to evaluate the cost-effectiveness, and the assessment of the MELIORA VCI’s cost-effectiveness and budget impact
Developing and applying a Scalability Assessment Methodology
Monitoring the evaluation framework
Leading the cluster strand on “Addressing inequalities in access to quality care”